Magnetic Resonance
Magnetic resonance is one of the most versatile fields of science, with applications ranging from chemical structure determination to medical imaging, and quantum information processing.
Consequently, this technique is fairly multidisciplinary, and involves researchers from all aspects of natural and life sciences, and engineering.
From a scientific point of view, magnetic resonance was, up to date, the main focus of at least six Nobel prizes in physics, chemistry, and medicine. From an industrial point of view, magnetic resonance is a multi-billion industry, aiming at a wide range of medical and chemical applications.
Our Goals
- Increasing the sensitivity of magnetic resonance, mainly in relation to electron spin resonance (ESR), aiming at single spin sensitivity.
- Increasing the spatial resolution of magnetic resonance imaging, also mainly in relation to ESR, aiming at the micron scale for biological samples and nm scale for materials science and basic physics problems.
- Increasing the affordability and availability of magnetic resonance in relation to both Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) and ESR, using compact magnets, cost-effective spectrometers and efficient coils and resonators.
Research Interests
Apply new magnetic resonance methodologies to the following applications:
- Mapping of oxygen and reactive oxygen species in biological systems
- Imaging and and characterization of defects and impurities in semiconductors and solar cells
- Measurement of diffusion in the micro sec time scale and 10s nm length scale in solutions
- Estimation of ionizing radiation doses by ESR signal of teeth
- Unique compact NMR and ESR probes for medical applications